January 23, 2023

AGIP’s Generation Equality Commitments

Learn More, Summary Reports

AGIP is proud to work in partnership to achieve our commitment to amplify and support adolescent girls’ leadership in the ongoing Generation Equality process. Together, AGIP partners Women Deliver, Plan International, Girls Not Brides, Amplify Girls, GAGE, She Decides, Malala Fund, and ICRW made the following GE commitment:

‘Building on the recommendations in the Young Feminist Manifesto, AGIP will amplify and support adolescent girls’ leadership and the community-driven organizations central to their participation in the GEF process and ACs, support the Adolescent Girls Advisory Body and Youth Task Force to ensure that these spaces are girl and adolescent friendly and gender-inclusive, build the capacity of adolescent girls to develop and use evidence and best practice to inform their advocacy and support adolescent girls so they are centred in GEF accountability mechanisms and have meaningful engagement and co-leadership. Where gaps exist in processes, AGIP will create, resource, and advocate for meaningful participation, leadership, and decision making.’