August 23, 2023

No more excuses! Accountability mechanisms for girls and young women!

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Facilitated by young people, the session on 19 July 2023 showcased approaches to achieving accountability for adolescent girls and young women in all their diversity. AGIP heard from diverse stakeholders on challenges, solutions, and commitments which advance power being shifted to adolescent girls – nothing about them, without them.

We once again heard loud and clear that adolescent girls and young women challenge power-holders in their communities and countries to do better every day, aroundthe globe. Yet, their participation in policy-making processes is often tokenistic, and at worst non-existent. If decision-makers are serious about designing policies and interventions that have lasting and sustainable impact, they must ensure that adolescent girls and young women are at the centre of the development process – and engaged in a meaningful and participatory way. Whilst young activists will continue to claim their rights, it is up to power-holders to transform exclusivesystems from within so that power-sharing becomes a reality and engagement for young people is done by design.