September 19, 2024

Beyond commitments: Championing a new Girl-Centred Accountability Charter

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The Girl-Centered Accountability Charter, launched at the Summit of the Future Action Days 2024, is the keystone of AGIP’s Global Accountability Champions Platform. The Charter outlines 8 actions for governments to model and promote accountability with and for adolescent girls in global advocacy and policy platforms.  

Governments which sign the Charter become ‘Accountability Champions’ and make a public pledge to be accountable to their girl-centred commitments, lead by example, and influence other powerholders to practice accountability.  

Young people, UN bodies and girl-centered organisations can also support the initiative by endorsing the Charter and show solidarity with adolescent girls globally.  

Download the Event Summary report.


Despite growing interest in adolescent girls’ leadership, global advocacy and policy spaces often lack formal accountability mechanisms that meaningfully include adolescent girls in delivering and tracking progress on commitments made towards gender equality and girls’ rights.  

What’s more, many financial pledges made to advance girls’ rights fail to directly benefit them. Key global advocacy and policy spaces offer opportunities for renewed multi-stakeholder commitments that will significantly impact the lives and futures of adolescent girls.  

The Charter was created based on recommendations gathered from adolescent girls, member state representatives, and girls’ rights organisations during AGIP events at WD2023 and on the sidelines of UNGA78 and CSW68.  

Becoming an Accountability Champion 

Signing up to the Girl-centered Accountability Charter and becoming a Global Accountability Champion is a statement of solidarity with adolescent girls for governments. ​​The Charter is a crucial opportunity to lead by example and ensure girls’ voices are heard and valued in actions after girl-centered commitments are made.  

Government ‘Accountability Champions’ will be invited to sign on to at least one of the Charter commitments and amplify the girl-centred accountability agenda in important global advocacy and policy platforms.   

If your government is interested in becoming an Accountability Champion, fill in the form below and one of the AGIP secretariat will be in touch with more information.  

Endorsing the Charter 

If you are not a government representative, you can still endorse the Charter to show your support! We encourage young people (aged 10-24), UN bodies and organisations working on gender equality or girls’ rights to endorse the Charter and help drive accountability for girl-centered commitments around the world.  

If you or your organisation is interested in endorsing the Charter, fill in the form below and one of the AGIP secretariat will be in touch with more information.