Based on a series of discussions with adolescent girls and AGIP Board members, we all agree that the inclusion of adolescent girls and youth should be at the very centre of our work and prioritised within our coalition structure. We are initiating AGIP’s Adolescent Girls’ Advisory Committee (AGAC) with the intention to share decision-making power within AGIP. Committee members will inform the work of AGIP at all levels and will have the opportunity to collectively decide how they would like to engage with AGIP’s governance process, Working Groups, and Board.
Here is our very first cohort of Girl Advisors!

I’m passionate about girls’ education in crises.
I look forward to achieving knowledge and contributing on the plight of girls in the crises zone like my country.

I’m passionate about girls’ leadership and sexual reproductive health and rights.
I look forward to be empowered and mentored to own spaces and also speak up for other girls.

I’m passionate about working for menstrual education for girls.
I look forward to developing my leadership, meet other young women leaders globally and learn from their experiences.

I’m passionate about adolescent girls’ wellbeing.
I look forward to learning, living, and co-creating a place where adolescent girls are heard and included in decision-making spaces in a practical manner.

I’m passionate about adolescent girls sexual and reproductive health and rights.
I look forward to advocating for change and empowering more adolescent girls.

I’m passionate about adolescent rights, inclusion of persons with disabilities specially girls with disabilities, and animal rights.
I look forward to recording the voices of adolescent girls through policy and projects.

I’m passionate about sexual and reproductive health and rights.
I look forward to being among such wonderful people and getting to exchange different points of views.

I’m passionate about period poverty.
I look forward to networking, learning more, being able to represent girls’ voices more, getting to know more from all the girl advisors and AGIP in general.

I’m passionate about gender equality, quality education, diversity, and inclusion.
I look forward to bringing my voice to help promote gender equality around the world.

I’m passionate about the empowerment of young girls, female leadership, keeping young girls in school, and mother and child health.
I look forward to training myself in the different areas that other girls deal with in their countries, to learn and above all share my experience.

I’m passionate about providing better access to healthcare, housing, food security and education for marginalised groups including animals.
I look forward to learning about the ways others in our AGAC have tackled the same problems in their own ingenious ways and I hope to see all of us being able to hone our expertise and advance global development for the communities we care about as leading professionals in this space.

I am passionate about Governance with a youth perspective and Sexual and Reproductive Rights.
I am looking forward to the effective participation of young people in every organisation and decision-making process.