Adolescent girls are one of the most marginalised demographic groups in the world, despite making up 33% of the global female population. Often, adolescent girls fall through the cracks, with neither child rights nor women’s rights development programming sufficiently responding to their unique needs. We want to change this. To truly live in a world where girls have the voice, choice, and agency to determine their own futures, they must be specifically recognised in social change agendas, and they must be included in conversations that concern them.
Since 2022, our strategy ‘Girls on the agenda and at the table’ gives AGIP a refreshed direction. We focus our efforts on global advocacy founded in evidence and research – with and for adolescent girls.
AGIP aims to achieve the following overarching strategic goals to contribute to global-level outcomes for gender equality and girl’s rights:
- By 2024, AGIP has successfully influenced key global spaces and processes to recognise, include, and invest in the unique needs of adolescent girls and youths. AGIP has played an active role in holding key global decision-makers and organisations to account.
- By 2024, AGIP has significantly contributed to curating a global ecosystem that generates and uses evidence (such as investment assessments and frameworks) to advocate for holistic investments in adolescent girls and youths.
- By 2024, Meaningful Girl and Youth Engagement (MGYE) is institutionalised in key global processes. Adolescent girls’ co-leadership is well-resourced and supported. AGIP has created, modelled, & promoted MGYE and safeguarding best-practice & guidance for the sector and beyond.
Please click here for a comprehensive overview of our project strategy.