AGIP is a global, intergenerational, feminist coalition with members from research, philanthropy, and girl-focused development organisations. We collaborate to drive political commitment and evidence-informed investments to shift outcomes for adolescent girls.
Adolescent girls make up the most marginalized and under-represented demographic world-wide. Often, adolescent girls’ unique needs are neither recognized by children’s nor women’s rights movements. Adolescence is a crucial development stage, yet girls across the globe face great barriers founded in oppressive social norms and cultural stereotypes. We know that failure to appropriately invest in adolescent girls – particularly the most marginalised – is a threat to girls’ healthy, productive lives, and undermines progress on gender equality.
AGIP members joined forces because there is still significant
- Lack of commitment for adolescent girls
Adolescent girls are inadequately prioritised by government ministries and donors in investment, budgeting, and evaluation - Low evidence uptake
Robust evidence is not readily available and existing evidence is not appropriately utilised to act on girls’ diverse risks, opportunities, and what works to address their specific needs - Limited capacity
Lack of knowledge and skills among public, private, and civil society actors working together in settings with large populations of girls at high risk of worst outcomes.

We envision a world where girls have the voice, choice, and agency to determine their own futures: supported by holistic investment that responds to the full complexity of girls’ lives and needs.
We aim to close the large and persistent gap between resources, evidence, and commitments for adolescent girls and the lived reality of girls in the most marginalized communities.
Our strategic objectives
- We leverage our collective strength to influence global decision-making spaces and advocate for increased investments, commitments, and accountability with and for adolescent girls.
- We draw on our unique members’ technical expertise to generate, collate, and share evidence and resources – informed by lived experience: demonstrating ‘what works’ with and for adolescent girls.
Our approach to Meaningful Girl and Youth Engagement (MGYE) and safeguarding underpins everything we do.
Our practice is informed by our core values, feminist leadership principles and conceptual framework.

What we offer to the movement
As a coalition, collaboration is at the heart of everything we do. We are always keen to engage with like-minded individuals and organisations, change-makers, adolescent-girl allies, powerholders, and decision-makers alike to:
- Collaborate on joint advocacy opportunities that shift power and resources to adolescent girls and youth-led organisations: specifically in the Generation Equality context;
- Act in an advisory capacity on Meaningful Girl and Youth Engagement (MGYE) and safeguarding;
- Host/facilitate and/or co-design engagement opportunities with adolescent girls;
- Present our best-practice approach to meaningful girl and youth engagement and safeguarding;
- Present the findings of our research (applicable to many contexts).
Please contact us if you are interested in exploring any of the above.