The Adolescent Girl Investment Plan (AGIP)

Welcome! We are the Adolescent Girls Investment Plan (or ‘AGIP’) – a global, intergenerational, feminist coalition with members from research, philanthropy, and girl-focused development organisations. We collaborate to drive political commitment and evidence-informed investments to shift outcomes for adolescent girls.

Adolescent Girls Investment Plan

Together with adolescent girls we work to:


We ensure adolescent girls are adequately prioritised by government ministries and donors in investment, budgeting, and evaluation, and are at the centre of conversations that concern their lives.

Generate evidence

Generate and connect evidence

Our research addresses the lack of robust and connected evidence on what works for girls and the diverse risks and opportunities that affect their lives.

Strengthen capacity

Strengthen capacity for greater impact

Our advocacy and events close gaps in knowledge and experience among public, private, and civil society actors in settings with large numbers of girls at high-risk of worst outcomes.

Since 2020, we have:

  • Supported 13 adolescent girls and 6 youth to co-create and deliver a total of 5 high-level, intergenerational dialogues
  • Enabled an additional 41 adolescent girls and 7 youths to participate in our external events. All our engagements are appropriately re-imbursed, including financial honorariums, capacity strengthening, and networking opportunities
  • Successfully advocated with adolescent girls and partners for Action 4: Strengthen young feminist-led and girl-led movements and organisations in all their diversity to be an official commitment made by the Generation Equality Action Coalition on Feminist Movements and Leadership
  • Served as a technical advisor on safeguarding for meaningful engagement of adolescent girls and youths, providing expertise and best-practice with a variety of global stakeholders and their events, including: SheDecides +5 Summit, the Virtual IDG Forum 2022, and WD2023
  • Our cutting-edge research offers insights into areas concerning adolescent girls which are not yet addressed: our ‘Gap Map’ is an interactive tool highlighting the gaps in research concerning adolescent girl programming, our reports emphasise the impact of COVID-19 on adolescent girls. Our research is made to be utilized in both programming and advocacy. Visit our Research tab for more information.

What the girls we work with say:

[The] safeguarding process has been a highlight for me. Initially it seemed very detailed but revisiting it during our design discussions helped me realise different aspects of safeguarding. […] I am now more intentional and aware with respect to safeguarding in my engagements with other girl[s] and young leaders.  

Nurat, Youth leader, Kenya [Event co-creator with AGIP] 

This session was definitely alleviating […], especially being informed of what is happening with regards to Generation Equality commitments. […][It] was very interesting to hear what all the different stakeholders are doing and how they are working to integrate young people in such processes.

Denia, Adolescent Girl Leader, USA 

My key takeaway is that if I believe in myself, I can do it! […] Everyone believed in me even when I mentioned it was my first event to facilitate [which] made me motivated to do better.

Ivy, Adolescent Girl, Event Co-creator with AGIP

The great and amazing support I had from [the] AGIP group was very helpful [and] very useful, […]in reaching information, understanding context.

Sarah, Youth co-leader of GEF One Year On event

Our members: